Return & Exchange Info:
Order Cancellation/Modification:
An order can only be canceled and or modified if the item and or items have not been processed for shipment.
Action Pro Sports reserves the right to cancel or remove an item and or items from an order for any reason, but if canceled or an item and or items are removed, a refund will be provided to the customer per the modifications made to the order.
If the customer wishes to cancel an order and or remove an item and or items from their order they must email us at with the order# along with a clear list of the item/s they wish to remove prior to the item/s shipping.
Returns & Exchanges:
Regularly priced "In Stock" items that have not been used or worn and are in new condition with all original tags and packaging materials may be returned by the customer for a credit per their originally invoiced value minus any fees and or shipping costs incurred by Action Pro Sports.
Regularly priced "PreOrder Now" items that have not been used or worn and are in new condition with all original tags and packaging materials may be returned by the customer for a store credit per their originally invoiced value minus any fees and or shipping costs incurred by Action Pro Sports.
Sale, Closeout, and or Discontinued items can not be returned or exchanged. Sale of Sale, Closeout, and or Discontinued items are considered final.
If a customer wishes to request a return for qualifying items, they must do the following;
Email their order# along with a concise description of the item/s they want to return within 14 days of receiving their order.
If the return request is approved, the customer must ship the unused, unworn, new condition item/s along with all original tags, and packaging materials along with a copy of original order to the address below using a shipping method that includes tracking information.
Email the return tracking information to so delivery can be confirmed.
Once the returned items have been verified, a store credit will be provided to the customer for the value of the originally invoiced item/s amount minus any fees and or shipping costs incurred by Action Pro Sports.
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